Oncology social workers are licensed clinicians who treat the person and their loved ones living behind the cancer diagnosis. They have the expertise to help you manage the emotional aspects of cancer, recognize your strengths, and overcome concrete barriers to accessing treatment.
Here are some of the social work services offered at NYOH:
When you or your loved one experiences anxiety, depression, guilt, worry, sadness, or uncertainty, a social worker can help you adjust to a "new normal." You can schedule an appointment with a social worker to receive additional emotional support throughout your cancer treatment. The NYOH social workers can also help connect you to therapists in the community.
Offers information and context to a cancer experience.
Offers education about movement and relaxation exercises to help relieve anxiety, pain, and nausea.
Creates a space for you and your loved ones to meet with an interdisciplinary team and ask questions about your cancer journey.
In conjunction with a nurse practitioner, a social worker offers an extra layer of support to help address concerns about managing cancer symptoms and the side effects of treatment.
Additional support can be vitally beneficial through the transition from active treatment to survivorship, with many emotions and feelings to process that there may not have been an opportunity to do yet. Social Workers can help with counseling and emotional support as you transition, or even if you have been away from treatment for several months but have difficulty adjusting to life after diagnosis and treatment.
Promotes conversations about future medical care related to your desired quality of life. It helps you articulate your wishes in writing, so the family and medical team can honor them by completing important documents, including Health Care Proxy, Advanced Directives, and Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST).
Connects you to resources in the community that can further help you during your cancer journey, such as financial assistance, national and local cancer-specific resources, and mental health support.
NYOH currently offers three Zoom virtual support groups: a patient support group, a caregiver support group, and a support group for patients with a brain tumor diagnosis.
Provides opportunities for you to create lasting and tangible memories for your loved ones.
NYOH's Social Work Team is here to provide you and your loved one's support throughout your cancer journey. If you think you would benefit from any of the services listed above, please talk to your provider about connecting to an NYOH social worker.
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