Mechanicville Stillwater Breast Cancer Walk

Nov 09, 2018

Mechanicville Stillwater Breast Cancer Walk committee had their check presentation last night! Over $40,000 was raised during 2018, the MOST ever raised by this group!​

Benefits from the fund-raising went equally to the following three groups:
• NYOH Community Cancer Foundation 
• Molly Wilmot Radiation Oncology Center Saratoga 
• American Cancer Society

Thank you to the whole committee for their fund-raising efforts and especially to the officers... 
• Tina Bove Pugliese, President
• Chrissy Ramnes Starks, Vice President
• Carmella Ramnes, Treasurer
• Liz Mitchell, Secretary

And, of course, a big THANK YOU to all who participated!!

NYOH Community Cancer Foundation is very grateful to be a recipient of the hard work of this community effort.